Hills of Mexico

My recording of the song “Hills of Mexico” is out today. Enjoy 🌿

”Hills of Mexico” is from a family of narrative ballads in which the singer-narrator is approached by a stranger in transit with a business proposition that turns out to be not so great for singer-narrator. Many of the European ballads of this kind deal with highwaymen & their exploits. In this instance the proposition entails going to Mexico to work the cattle drive. My version borrows heavily from Roscoe Holcomb’s, which is mysterious in that it omits the Mexico chapter itself almost entirely.

Libby Rodenbough on fiddle, Casey Toll on the upright bass, & Nathan Bowles on drums.

Special Thanks to Kevin McNamee-Tweed for the use of his artwork: “Steamboat,” 2018, Glazed ceramic, 9.25” x 7”.

Listen here: http://smarturl.it/PoB61


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Copper Kettle